Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The Role Of Traffic Controllers And Traffic Management Plans

Traffic Control Plans
Traffic Control Plans

Traffic controllers are professionals which have an important role in our society for traffic management. For any work on a road, street, lane or footpath within the city of Melbourne traffic management plans first need to be submitted. This requirement is in accordance with the Road management Act 2004 (a code of practice for worksite safety or traffic management), the Road Safety Act 1986 and Australian standard traffic control devices for works on roads. 

  • A traffic management plan covers things as temporary changes to traffic conditions, road and footpath closures and traffic detours. All traffic management plans submitted for approval must meet the following terms and conditions:
  • All traffic management plans must be prepared by a professional traffic consultant or company and must be in accordance with Australian standards.
It must be ensured that the information provided is true and accurate. Any inaccurate information or inconsistencies may result in the assessment of application being delayed or rejected.

Accredited traffic controllers have many responsibilities in their day to day work. They need to first take care of themselves and ensure safety of fellow workers. It is the job of a traffic controller to take care of the safety of motorists and other road users. They enable work at site to be conducted safely by minimising the risk associated with traffic movement. They control traffic in a professional manner to enable drivers to negotiate through, past or around the workplace safely. They ensure that indication given to the traffic is consistent with the display provided by the traffic signals. They maintain traffic control in emergencies and other difficult situations. Traffic controllers also help to minimise delays caused in traffic. For more information on traffic management plans or traffic controllers visit company First Traffic Management.