Traffic Management is a complex system used to regulate the flow of vehicle traffic in an area. For this purpose traffic control systems, signage and dynamic information panels are utilized. Traffic Control in Melbourne allows one to determine the roles, responsibilities, objectives, operational principles and portfolio service of the traffic agency.
The peak body for Traffic Management in Australia is The Traffic Management Association of Australia (TMAA) that provides strategic control across the whole country. The TMAA represents Traffic Control companies in Melbourne and Australia, with its prime goal being able to ensure the best practice and compliance within the industry.
Traffic Management companies and Traffic Control employees work across the country in a range of multi-billion dollar infrastructure, relief, recovery and rebuilding projects. They represent the front end of all work being done which is related to emergencies, repair, events, utilities, building and construction.
There are many benefits associated with traffic management including:
- Optimizing road network use through improved planning along with real-time information and satellite navigation
- Speed and access control or public transport measures that help deliver transport policy goals like the safe use of road space and eco-driving
- Status and condition monitoring of a network in real time for rapid detection of emergencies, incidents and weather events
- Electronic payment technologies that enable toll charges and there is a demand for management measures to be implemented fully
- Multimodal information and payment systems which promote inter-modal transfers and road transport, better integrated with other modes
- The safety and efficiency of the maintenance operations can be improved considerably
First Traffic Management has established itself as a market leader in delivering quality management throughout Victoria. Our goal is to provide the clients with the expertise and advice required to improve Traffic Management.
To know more about our expert Traffic Management services please call us today at 1300 313 311.